A gray, cloudy day today...with impossible clouds!I know the title of today's post makes it sound as though I made it with an Asian woman, but no. However, give me a few minutes to let
that thought run through my head....
Okay. I was asked recently to participate in a workshop session to help a playwright tweak and hone a play he's trying to finish. It's a very collaborative effort in the second draft through final draft process; we as actors get to give him feedback into what we read aloud onstage (no audience except the playwright), and he takes that and changes what he agrees needs changing. It's fun.
But never mind...that's not important. What's important is that the neighborhood in Chicago where we did the workshop is near to where I lived during my marriage, and, after assuring myself that I was at the right place, I looked across the street from where I had parked the taxi and was delighted to see
Thai Thai, a restaurant that the ex and I frequented somewhat infrequently. My default Thai dish is the Pad Woon Sen. And it was delicious! Only, I realized several hours after I finished eating it that the perfect opportunity to photograph the food had passed several hours before...and I had my camera
with me!

Oh, well.